Lubrication Requirements
The lifting screw in this lifting system must be properly lubricated with a quality #2 multi-purpose Lithium Complex grease. (Grainger Part Number is 1MUC1) Grease must be kept filled in grease cups and cleaned twice per year. If you have automatic grease system (greases cartridge) must be replaced every year.
Manually check lifting screw periodically to make sure it is well lubricated.
Bronze Nut
The Bronze Nut at 4mm (.16 inch) maximum clearance between the bronze lifting nut and the safety steel follower nut can be checked by means of a .16 feeler gauge or the no go no key on the side of safe lift. If clearance falls below 2mm (.08 inches), then the bronze nut and safety nut assembly must be replaced as a matched set.
Periodically check the gap beteen the bronze nut and steel safety nut 4 times per year.
Support Thrust Bearing
Twice per year, lubricate the support thrust bearing through the zerk fitting located at the top of the main lifting screw. Quality #2 multipurpose Lithium Complex grease (Grainger Part Number is 1MUC1) is acceptable.
All Other Bearings and reduced are greased for life and require no maintenance.
Qualified Repair Service
Service on Sefac Lift System is once a year with a complete maintenance inspection by a qualified Repair Maintenance Person.
Contact OLS Service if you have any maintenance questions, or need service parts.